Indian Americans and their Political Clout in the US

In the last few years Indian-Americans have seen a significant rise in their clout in US politics. However, as it stands now, it is nowhere compared to the clout the other minority groups enjoy. In the US, the Indian diaspora is quite insignificant in terms of its numbers. At 1% of the US population, Indians are one of the tiniest minorities in the United States of America. Hindus comprise barely about 0.7% of the US population. Notwithstanding their miniscule number, Indian-Americans in general have the highest per capita household income of any ethnic/national groups. Additionally, Indian (and Hindu) Americans, according the Pew Research, are one of the most educated groups in the US based on 4-year college degrees. About 30% Indian Americans hold a post-graduate degree, 90% of it in a technical discipline. All this growing clout and prosperity of the Indian diaspora in the US has meant that Indian Americans are now letting their wallets talk more in the ...